Mittwoch, 27. Februar 2008


We have moved and a new location for our mainstore!
In a very pretty ambience located you can find the new mainstore on "Divine Oasis"nearby the "Freaky Beaver".
Here a SLurl for a directly teleport...

A Grand Opening will come soon... we will keep you all informated about it!


Donnerstag, 14. Februar 2008

Tattooset "Demons II"
Price: 140 L$

Donnerstag, 7. Februar 2008

Tattooset "Flower V"
Price: 200 L$

Tattooset "Polynesia II"
Price: 120 L$

Tattooset "Tribal VII"
Price: 70 L$

Tattooset "YingYang II"
Price: 80 L$